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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Winnie...yet again

Good morning bookies!

West Tennessee is bathed in this eerie yellow light, something at once familiar and alien. Simultaneously, the sky is an odd color: blue. The temperature is still way below normal, of course. Global warming, don't you know?

There is a new biography of Churchill, as if you needed one. And I know what you're thinking, 'great, another 1200 pages I've gotta read.' But this one is different. This biography doesn't go along with the recent trend of bashing Churchill as some sort of clownish dolt that somehow didn't keep England from winning World War Two, no, this one actually gives the man credit for leading the winning side and perhaps having something to do with victory in 1945. Plus, it's only 192 pages long!

I'm not sure how you could write a Churchill biography that's only 192 pages, but apparently you can and I, for one, am glad of it. Anything that might get younger folks to read up on one of the 20th centuries greatest men..

New Churchill biography for less than 5 pounds (that's weight, not money)


Kim Smith said...

Hey Bill the Book Guy! I surfed in and found your blog and lo and behold! we are kinsmen! Well, not exactly but we hail from the same area!

I have made you my Thursday Traveler over on my blog at http://www.writingspace.blogspot.com and I hope you will stop by and leave us a comment!

following your blog now BTW!

Billthebookguy said...

Heya Kim, thanks for finding my blog. I'll try and do a better job of actually, you know, blogging.

Suko said...

Hi, Bill. I came over here from Kim's terrific blog.

Sounds like a good, concise biography!

Billthebookguy said...

Hey Suko, welcome! I'll try to do a better job of keeping this blog up to speed. What do you like to read?