Yes, I know, two months with no entry is a long time. What can I say? Life happens. So here's a peek at two rare books for you, ones you are unlikely to ever again see for sale. (In fact, one sold in less than two hours.)
'Rust City Portland Underground Comix Annual #1' was published in 1994. Edited by Steve Hess, this magazine featured work by local Portland authors and illustrators, some of whom apparently went on to become famous. There was also an autographed letter signed by editor Hess to alternative artist Bill Shut under his real name, indicating that this was the last copy known to exist and had to be purchased back from a contributor.
The other book is 'Picture Story Magazine #1' edited by Charles Spanier. This book is so rare I could not even find information on it, aside from the occasional oblique reference. This one I still have, but I doubt for long. It was published in 1978 and seems to have achieved almost legendary status.
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