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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back in the saddle

Good morning bookies! Stand by for news and comment.

Wow, this whole not-blogging for a while thing is getting out of hand. My only defense is that I've been busy with Life. Yeah, I know, not much of an excuse, but I still think this is the best blog-for-your-buck on the net. Where else do you get so much bang for your (non) money?

*** Elmore Leonard. For those of you familiar with this icon of American letters, the first book that comes to mind is likely Get Shorty, given the success of the movie starring John Travolta. And rightfully so. Leonard is very well known as the author of quirky crime novels featuring lowlifes and almost-lowlifes living on the fringes, characterized by witty dialogue and devious plots. All well enough.

But before (and in between and since) the crime novels came the Westerns. And now the Western Writers of America are rewarding Leonard with a very well deserved Lifetime Achievement Award. So the next time you need a gift for someone who likes Westerns, think Leonard.

Elmore Leonard gets his due

*** Comic books have long since become part of the traditional publishing culture (as opposed to their outcast status when I was a kid. And yes, the printing press had been invented when I was growing up. Smart-aleck) but they have not ceased evolving. To wit, the new hybrid format 'Motion Comics.' Basically these are part animation, part comic, using voice actors for the various characters. I haven't seen one yet but I've got to admit the idea is pretty cool. Makes me wish I was a kid again. (No! There weren't dinosaurs then, either.)

Marvel bringing comics into the 21st century

*** As a follow-up to the above, here's a nice article featuring photos from the New York City Comicon. This gives a pretty good idea of what it's like to attend any large comic or SFF convention.

New York City Comicon Photos

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