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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Not this year

Good day bookies! Stand by for news and comment.

This past weekend was MidSouthCon, the now fairly large annual SFF convention here in the Memphis area. I have attended almost every year that I can remember. But not this year.

It's not the economy, either. As many of you know, (actually, you should all know, since I've said it often enough) I have been selling off large chunks of my personal book collection for the past year. The reasons for this are partly political and reflect my views on what I expect to happen in the next few years, but largely because I was running out of space. You reach a point, I think, where too much stuff becomes a burden.

Anyway, this year I skipped MidSouthCon because there just wasn't anyone there I was anxious to meet enough to make a long drive during the NCAA tourney. Also, the last few years the line for signings of the more popular authors and illustrators have been so long that the convention placed a limit on the number of items you could get signed. I understand the need, of course, but it still leaves a sour taste when you spend (as I did) 9 hours on a sunny Saturday in March waiting for Terry Pratchett to sign your books, only to come away with one signature.

So, I didn't go. And, truth to tell, I'm feeling guilty. So today's blog is cathartic. I feel like such a bad person.

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